sign up for 22fiftyseven!

the logistics

Something will land in your inbox every other week. It’ll usually be an bite-sized exploration of some engineering or physics problem that pops up in daily life, and consist of light theory, mediocre sketches, hand-written equations and plots, and little bit of humor (hopefully you’ll find it humorous…). My posts will typically revolve around fluids, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. I may occasionally write about other topics that pop into my head, but with an engineering bent.

Every so often, I’ll dig little deeper, build a model, run a simulation, and analyze the results. I’l typically use Onshape and Simscale (CAD and simulation, respectively), but reserve the right to use whatever modeling and analysis tools that best fit the problem I’m tackling.

I won’t ever email you more often than every other week, and you can unsubscribe at any time hassle-free. Rest assured, no spam from me.

So if you’re on board, sign on up and let’s have some fun!